E-mail: contact@belizemangrovealliance.org    |    Phone: +501-605-6569

Three Lagoons Sustainability Program

A community based non-profit organization helping the environment through mangrove and forest reforestation, community cleanups and offering education on the importance of using sustainability as a new way of life.


Edgar Deleon
E-mail: contact@threelagoonssustainabilityprogram.com
Tel: (501) 672 6907
Office: Chunox Village, Corozal District


Mangrove Species: Red mangrove, white mangrove
Restoration Site: Chunox, Orange Walk (New River bank)
Land Tenure: State owned / public land (excluding community lands)
Number of Participants: 8 people
Sectors Engaged: Village leaders, Environmental groups, Youths

Mangrove Species: Red mangrove, white mangrove
Restoration Site: Chunox, Copper Bank and Progresso village
Land Tenure: State owned / public land
Number of Participants: 22 people
Sectors Engaged: Village leaders, Environmental groups, Youths

Mangrove Species: Red mangrove, white mangrove; Mangrove ecosystems generally
Restoration Site: Laguna Seca, Progresso lagoon
Land Tenure: State owned / public land
Projected Number of Participants: 100+ people
Sectors to be Engaged: NGOs, Village leaders, Environmental groups, Youths, Tourism sector, Fishing sector, Private sector


Mangrove Species: Mangrove ecosystems generally
Location: Copper Bank and Chunox, Corozal District
Target Audience: Village leaders, Youths, Private sector
Reach (2019): Community meeting
Reach (2020 –2021): 20 people at workshops and 500+ on social media

Mangrove Species: Mangrove ecosystems generally
Location: Chunox village, Copper Bank, Progresso village
Target Audience: NGOs, Village leaders, Environmental groups, Youths, Tourism sector, Fishing sector, Private sector
Projected Reach: 100+ people. 1000+ on social media


Mangrove Species: Mangrove ecosystems generally
Research Topic: Impacts of restoring mangroves for a sustainable future
Location: Laguna Seca, Progresso Lagoon, Cocos Lagoon and the New River
Participating Stakeholders: A network of several communities -NGOs, Village leaders, Environmental groups, Youths